Are you looking for best ln46a530, we’ve consulted top experts who has in-and-out knowledge about the ln46a530. We choose the top most quality product, which comes with amazing features you’ve never heard before. We have filter more than 100+ of product to give you top 10 list of best ln46a530.
This list is undoubtedly the best ln46a530 available in the market today. However, if you don’t want to spend more time on filtering and finding which one is good ln46a530, then you should absolutely go for our Top list of the winner. which comes with all the basic features one could expect in a ln46a530.
Best ln46a530 – The Winners!
But these three has some more competitions too, Check out below List of Top 10 best ln46a530.
If you are ready to choose a new ln46a530, check out our recommendations for the best ln46a530. But if you’d like to learn more about the various types of ln46a530 available and how to choose the right one for you, read on.
List of Top 10 Best ln46a530 In Detailed
- 100% Brand New, High Quality AC Power Cord
- 3 prongs USA standard power cable design
- Cable Length: 6 feet == 1.8 meters
- Safety Features: Over current protection; Total power protection; Over voltage protection; Short Circuit Protection.
- Manufactured with the highest quality materials. Certification: FCC, CE and RoHS.
- Replaced Remote Control BN59-00673A , Compatible with Samsung TV models: HL61A750A1FQZA HL61A750A1FXZA HL61A750A1FXZC HL67A750 HL67A750A1F HL67A750A1FQZA HL67A750A1FXZA HL67A750A1FXZC HL72A650 HL72A650C1F HL72A650C1FXZA HL72A650C1FXZC LN32A550P3F LN32A550P3FXRL ;
- LN32A650A1HXZX LN32A650A1T LN32A650A1TXZA LN37A550 LN37A550P3F LN37A550P3FXRL LN37A550P3FXZA LN37A550P3FXZC LN37A550P3FXZX LN40A540 LN40A540P2F LN40A540P2FXZA LN40A540P2FXZC LN40A550 LN40A550P1F LN40A550P1FXZA LN40A550P3F LN40A550P3FXRL ;LN40A550P3FXZA LN40A550P3FXZC LN40A550P3FXZX LN40A630 LN40A630M1F LN40A630M1FXZA LN40A630M1FXZC LN40A630M1FXZX LN40A650A1F LN40A650A1H LN40A650A1HXZA LN40A650A1HXZX LN40A650A1R LN40A650A1RXRL LN40A650A1RXSR LN40A650A1RXZB
- LN40A650A1RXZL LN40A650A1RXZP LN40A650A1TXZA LN46A540 LN46A540F LN46A540P LN46A540P2F LN46A540P2FXZA LN46A540P2FXZC LN46A550 LN46A550P1FXZA LN46A550P3F LN46A550P3FXRL LN46A550P3FXZA LN46A550P3FXZC LN46A550P3FXZX LN46A580 LN46A580P6F LN46A580P6FFXZA LN46A580P6FXZC LN46A630 LN46A630M1F LN46A630M1FXZA LN46A630M1FXZC LN46A630M1FXZX LN46A650A1F LN46A650A1R LN46A650A1RXRL LN46A650A1RXSR LN46A650A1RXZB LN46A650A1RXZL ;
- LN52A540P2FXZC LN52A550 LN52A550P3F LN52A550P3FXZA LN52A550P3FXZC LN52A550P3FXZX LN52A580 LN52A580P6F LN52A580P6FXZA LN52A580P6FXZC LN52A630 LN52A630M1F LN52A630M1FXZA LN46A650A1RXZP LN52A540 LN52A540P2F LN52A540P2FXZA LN32A550P3FXZA LN32A550P3FXZC LN32A550P3FXZX LN32A650A1H LN32A650A1HXZA;
- 90 days warranty !
- Replacement remote for Samsung TV
- Check before shipping
- Pre-programmed, No programming needed ( can't be programmed again)
- Package contain: 1 remote Only, batteries and instruction are Not included
- Any problems please kindly contact us
- New replacement IR remote control model BN59-00901A
- No batteries and instructions included
- No programming needed
- 90 days warranty
- No Backlight feature
- No programming needed
- Battery and user manual are excluded
- Replacement remote for Samsung TV
- Simple control-Easy to use
- Will work straight away upon installing brand new batteries
- SLLEA--Determined to become the most professional store of wire and chargers
- Input: 100 - 240 VAC 50/60Hz Worldwide Voltage Use Mains PSU
- Please make sure the output and tip is correct before purchasing
Industry Quality : Over Voltage Protection, Over Heat Protection- Warranty: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee / 60 Days Free Exchange With Paid Return Label / 360 Days Anytime Worry-Free Warranty! /
Please don't hesitate to contact us if any questions or concerns - we are here to help!
- SAFETY PERFORMANCE:AC adapter charger has passed the FCC test with certificates. Made of cutting-edge materials and featuring with V-0 grade flame retardant, OVP, OCP, SCP Protection, it would be much secure than others.
- Compatible Device: 5ft/1.5m UL Listed AC Power Cord Outlet Socket Cable Plug Lead for LN46A530P1F LN46A530 LN46A530P1FXZA LN46A530P1FXZC 46 LCD HDTV TV Television
- NOTICE:Please reference full list of compatible models in the product description.
- WORRY FREE: Our store offer 30-Days Hassle-free Return and 12-Months Replacement Exchange.
- INPUT: AC100V-240V, 50/60Hz.
- WIRE LENGTH:5ft / 1.5m
- Compatible:5ft/1.5m UL Listed AC Power Cord Outlet Socket Cable Plug Lead for LN46A530P1F LN46A530 LN46A530P1FXZA LN46A530P1FXZC 46 LCD HDTV TV Television
- SAFETY PERFORMANCE: Over Voltage Protection, Over Heat Protection,Over Current Protection.
- WORRY FREE: Our store offer 30-Days Hassle-free Return and 12-Months Replacement Exchange.
- INPUT: AC100V-240V, 50/60Hz.
- WIRE LENGTH:5ft / 1.5m
- Compatible: 6ft/1.8m UL Listed AC Power Cord Outlet Socket Cable Plug Lead for LN46A530P1F LN46A530 LN46A530P1FXZA LN46A530P1FXZC 46 LCD HDTV TV Television
- SAFETY PERFORMANCE: Over Voltage Protection, Over Heat Protection,Over Current Protection.
- WORRY FREE: Our store offer 30-Days Hassle-free Return and 12-Months Replacement Exchange.
Hope this list of the best ln46a530 will be helpful for you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our site or our reviews, and we will be happy to help you with your purchasing decisions in any way we can.